Maybe it was because last week it was so hot hot hot here that i decided to use cool blues for my newest sewing project.......ive been planning to make a blue and white checkerboard patchwork quilt for quite a while and like all my projects, first it is a plan in my head and then all at once it is being made......
..............all the blue fabrics were pulled out of the cupboard and lots of white but slightly patterned ones for the contrasting squares..............
............i cut the squares 4 1/2 in so they ended up as 4in squares when all sewn together......
........i rotary cut the squares and then strip pieced them in rows then joined the rows together......pressing the seams in opposite directions and nesting the seams helped with accuracy....
..............i loved the deep indigo blues and had to order some extra fat quarters of some new ones as i was running out.......i used up many pieces from my scrap bin for this quilt so there is a nice mix of different fabrics and lots of other projects to remember that they were used in too when i look at it..... little sewing machine worked very hard, speeding along the seams.......
.............and of course i then began particularly noticing blue and white things around me..... blue teapots, plates, mugs and jugs........and the palest of pale blue hydrangeas..... the weekend we went on an outing to a lovely country garden........we had a picnic lunch, a nice walk and later a cream tea in the tea room garden.........and i took some photos of blue flowers.......
..................gorgeous blue clematis above.....and below the pretty agapanthus............
.............the weather here has cooled down now and is back to normal again after soaring to temperatures of 33C last week (on the hottest day of the year) and with high humidity too.....but now our mini heatwave seems to have ended................. my quilt top is finished and i need to decide what to back it with and what kind of quilting to do.........this week i am working on more xmas designs and an applique quilt so plenty to keep me busy............also spending time this week with my sweet grandchildren as school is out for summer here and we will be doing a bit of crafting together again..............
..................thank you for popping in to my little blog space dear readers and for all your kind comments about my dimity quilt in my last is so nice to hear from you and to have your visits.............wishing you sunny summer days and lots of happy crafty times.......back soon xxxxxx
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